WAMC wanted 2021 to be a year full of interest and excitement and so we decided to create a series called “Meet our Members” where we share with you interviews from members located across the globe. These short but insightful interviews are meant to engage and inspire us all to strive and succeed, even during these tough and tumultuous times. These are frank and honest looks at Chefs and the lives they lead in the kitchen and beyond. Enjoy.
Welcome and thanks for being the first Chef in this series. Let’s start with your name…
“My name is Mike Scotford and I am British. IM currently a Sous Chef at Ardanaiseig Hotel and Head Chef at Restoration Yard in Dalkeith Country Park.”
For those who do not know Mike, He is one of our Partum Concillo Members, a group of selected Chefs from around the world who share inspiring images of their creation and are there to offer advice and guidance to up and coming chefs and students. We are very privileged to have him share some insights with us today.
Mike, How long have you been a Chef?
“I have been a chef for 47 years in July”

Where in Britain do you live?
“I live in the North West of Scotland near Oban”
Your passion is evident in your imagery and creativity, so why did you become a Chef?
“I used to love watching my mother and grandmother cook who were both amazing cooks”
Over the years we are sure you have been inspired by many great chefs but if you had to choose one who was it that inspired you to become a Chef?
“I’m inspired by the legend Mr Keith Floyd”
What is your favourite thing to create?
“I love to work with seafood and game there is little room for error with either of these products. Buy your venison from the man who squeezes the trigger and seafood from the man who catches it”
So many chefs have their specialities but we want to know what cuisine do you find the most challenging to replicate?
“Asian cuisine looks so easy but is so complex some times and can be very delicate with spicing we tend to be too heavy-handed”
Now we are sure you have had your fair share of success in the kitchen but as a Chef what would be your ultimate goal?
“My goal would be to encourage more people into the trade and pass on as much of my knowledge to as many chefs as possible and always be there to give advice”
What frustrates you about the Hospitality industry?
“What frustrates me is how many people in the UK inc the government look down on us with distaste as if we are lowlife in some ways this includes the government we are all very intelligent highly skilled and pretty good accountants. “
with 47 years of experience under your belt what is the most challenging time you have had as a Chef?
“Now is a very hard time for us all with COVID19 it affects us all we do not know when we will get back to work many like myself made redundant and not furloughed to save about £60 per month is a disgrace and how many will not re-open very sad but my strength and character will pull me through this.”
Thanks for your time, we know its rare to catch a chef when they are not working but finally if you could give advice to young Chefs what would it be?
“Advise we a wise old chefs from France said to me when I walked into the kitchen at 15 years of age and told me, it is not about being the loudest and being the bully for he is the weakest link and the brigade coward it is about listening and absorbing all you see and hear all the knowledge being privileged to you and supporting the team/brigade at all times.
Understanding we all have bad days and may need someone to listen to our problems is good for mental strength and a good PMA Positive Mental Aptitude.
I hope this helps and inspires someone along the way and my brother and sister chefs I am always here for you any time night or day.
My very kindest wishes to you all.”
We want to thank Mike for spending some time with us and allowing us a little glance into his life. We hope that this series inspires you to reach out for advice, listen and as Mike said “Absord all you see and hear”, and become inspired.

If you work in the Hospitality or Tourism Industry and want to know more about being part of the World Association of Master Chefs drop us a line via our Contact Page