Tunisian Tourism & WAMC form an Alliance

by | Apr 18, 2023 | From Around the World, From Head Office, Tunisia

Many people have yet to experience the wonders of the beautiful country of Tunisia.  Located in North Africa on the Mediterranean Sea, this country is rich in Culture and history and one that any true hospitality Connoisseur would be remiss to miss out on.

The World Association of Master Chefs has a formal chapter located in Tunisia and under the direction of Master Chef Noureddine Miladi and Global Vice President Evan Carlo, Tunisia businesses are about to take their next step into international development within the Hospitality and Tourism industries as formal partners with WAMC. WAMC  representatives were also presented with a bottle of the World’s best Oilve Oil as voted on within the industry.

President Gaven Ferguson has been a gust of Tunisia for the last week and during this time, he has visited numerous businesses, and Education providers to discuss creating alliances.  One special visit and the highlight of the trip was to meet with the Commissaire Regional au Tourism Soussee Me Taoufik Gaied.  Mr Gaied is the head of Hospitality and Tourism for all of the Sousse region and beyond.  He is part of the Ministry of Tourism for the Tunisian Government and plays an integral part in the links between industry and the rest of the world.

Representatives of WAMC including Global President Gaven Ferguson, Global Vice President Evan Carlo, and Mr Ferid Aouichaoui, met with the Office of Tourism and Mr Taoufik Gaied, where discussions centered around howWAMC and the ministry could work together to enhance the profile of Tunisi on the global stage.  Using the WAMC network, it was clear that together both parties could form a strong and beneficial alliance together to enhance the country and grow the Hospitality industry within Tourism.


Mr Gaied also took the WAMC team on a trip to visit a local manufacturer of Olivewood products, Lovolive.  They produce beautiful timber products suitable for use in any kitchen, including Bowles, mortar and pestles, and cutlery.